World Down Syndrome Awareness Campaign 2020
Would you like to be part of our World Down Syndrome Awareness Campaign 2020?
Following the success of last year’s campaign, we have again commissioned the Somerset Film Company to come and shoot a short video using the track Do your Thing by the Basement Jaxx. We would love to have as many children/young people with Down Syndrome involved in this project to showcase their talent. This is not an exhaustive list, but we would welcome children/young people with the following skills:
- Footballers
- Musicians
- Singers
- Expert signers
- Bakers
- Artists
- Young people in their work uniform
- Children/Young people who have achieved medals/trophies/certificates
- Swimmers with their medals/trophies
- Dancers
Please do not let the age of your child be a barrier; if you have a very young child and would like to be involved we would love to have you, please bring along a particular toy that they are great at playing with or if they have rhythm and are great at shaking a tambourine then please sign up.
This film will be placed on our website and social media platforms and therefore you need to be happy that there is the potential for your child’s image to be seen worldwide, although no names will be mentioned.
Where, when, and what time is this happening?
Saturday 22nd February 2020 Robert Blake 1610 Bridgwater
Filming is scheduled for between 11 am-2 pm
Can I bring other children?
Due to the nature of this campaign and the capacity of the venue, we are having to restrict it to the child with DS and one parent/carer. We will be holding an event on the 21st March 2020 to showcase the video where other family members will be allowed to attend.
Can I bring food and drink?
We will be offering refreshments, cake and biscuits in the upstairs dance studio. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch.