We Can Help You
If you are the parents of a child with Down Syndrome we can help you.
If you are a health care or education professional involved with Down Syndrome we can help you.
Family Support
You may have a child or have just had a baby with Down Syndrome and just feel out of your depth. That is exactly why we are here. We are parents, just like you and know the challenges. We want to provide you with friendly help and support.
We are happy to support individual family members and/or families as a whole. The family includes immediate family members, such as parents, siblings, carers, and extended family members such as aunts and uncles, and grandparents, who may perhaps feel anxious about the future for a child with Down Syndrome and would like support, information and advice.

Health Care and Education Professionals
Helping everybody involved with Downs Syndrome is our aim. Whatever your involvement with the care, health, education and joy of these amazing people, we can help.
We provide training, information and advice to educational and health care professionals; this can include consultant paediatricians, registrars, community paediatric nurses, midwives, health visitors, obstetricians, teachers, support assistants, special educational needs coordinators, educational psychologists and representatives from Social Care. All with the view of supporting professionals also to be able to provide up to date information, understanding and empathetic support to vulnerable children and families.