Post-16 Service - Bristol
The Post-16 Service is here to provide information, advice and support to young people from 14/15 years old and in Year 10 onwards. If you are considering educational choices both Post-16 and Post-19, we can support you through this exciting and sometimes challenging time.
Please get in touch with or call her on 0117 432 5050 to see how we can help!
We can offer young people:

- Information about the choices available at colleges and education settings in the Bristol area
- Support when visiting further education settings.
- Support throughout the application process
- Advocacy to ensure your voice is heard when choosing your next step
- Support attending meetings such as Education and Health and Care Plan Annual Review meetings and transition meetings
- Support liaising with professionals
- Support transitioning into further education
- On-going support whilst in the further education setting
- Home visits or visits whilst at school and/or college
- Support throughout the whole journey
Parent of post-16 young person preparing for transition.
“We were so proud of our daughter and how she handled the meeting. She was given time and space to put her points across, and it really felt like we were on the right track. I did wonder what she would say in the school environment, so I was relieved that she was pretty clear about the next steps she wanted to take, and it all matched up. Thank you so much for attending the meeting and helping me see the bigger picture. It has been brilliant to have this insight; you have been amazing.
Dare I say it? I am excited about her next stage and feel she will be ready. When she came home from school yesterday, she was glowing about the future and how the meeting had gone. I was pretty terrified a few months ago, but now it’s an entirely different story.”
We can offer families:

- Information about all the choices available for their young person
- Support attending meetings such as Education and Health and Care Plan Annual Reviews and transition meetings
- Support applying to further education settings
- A liaison service linking with the school and further education setting
- Support their young person transitioning
- Advice on transport options
- Support throughout the whole educational journey
We can offer professionals:

- A liaison service linking the young person and their families, their school and the further education setting
- The time and space to hear the voice of the young person to support a successful Post-16, and Post-19 placement
- Information and advice to support successful placements
- Links with other professionals and services within Bristol