Viola has been matched with Razzamatazz.
As part of the amazing #DiscoverTogether project, Razzamatazz is thrilled to assist Viola in enhancing her performing skills and empowering her to achieve her dreams. This experience promises to be enlightening, making it ideal for an Inspiration Explorer like Viola.
Viola: A Young Artist’s Passion for Life
Viola is a creative and enthusiastic 17-year-old who loves the arts. Whether trying new recipes in the kitchen, practicing dance or singing, she approaches everything with joy and imagination.
She enjoys cooking and often creates delicious dishes. Dancing is another way she expresses herself, moving with feeling and creativity.
However, singing is Viola’s true passion. She dreams of one day sharing her voice with others and exploring her potential as a performer.
With the proper support and inspiration, Viola hopes to keep growing her talents and realise her dreams.
Living in the northern part of Dorset, she is available to be inspired at weekends.