Choose Us Coop
Choose Us!
We are delighted to announce that we have been chosen as a beneficiary of the Co-op Local Community Fund.
The money raised from this fund will fund our new project ‘Time to Talk’.
Time to Talk will be a series of coffee mornings to help bring together parents/carers, allowing them to share their experiences of parenting, alleviating loneliness and helping to cement lifelong friendships. We will also, occasionally host, guest speakers on a range of subjects such as See & Learn, Makaton etc
To support our cause, you just need to be a member of the Co-op and choose Ups and Downs Southwest. Every time you shop in the Co-op present your card and the Co-op will donate to our cause. Click on the link to sign up Coop Membership
These sessions will commence in the Spring of 2022 and will be open to all parents/carers.