Ups and Downs Southwest awarded £21,000 from BBC Children in Need
Ups and Downs Southwest are delighted to announce
BBC Children in Need
has awarded them a grant of £21,000 over 3 years.
This grant will fund 2 youth clubs and help make a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right here in the southwest.
This grant means that we can securely continue to run our current youth clubs, for the next 3 years. Giving our young people a much-needed outlet to interact with their peers, secure friendships and have time away from their parent/carer. It will also allow us to expand the activities that we currently offer at our youth clubs and create opportunities to include football, kickboxing, street dance, drama and cooking as well as offering trip out.
Joanna Thorn, Director, of Ups and Downs Southwest said
“We simply could not reach out to the young people in the southwest without the support of BBC Children in Need. This grant will go on to change the lives of so many young people and give them the support they need.”
BBC Children in Need is a charity registered in England and Wales (802052) and Scotland (SC039557) whose aim is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.
BBC Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.
BBC Children in Need are currently supporting c.2,600 projects that are working with children and young people facing a range of disadvantages or challenges in their lives such as, poverty and deprivation; abuse or neglect or any kind of disability.
BBC Children in Need funding relies on the energy and commitment of thousands of fundraisers and supporters across the UK who donate their time and money to support the Appeal. Whether it’s cake sales, wearing pyjamas to school or having a song and dance, every penny of the money raised goes towards supporting projects across the UK.
All grants go to projects working with children and young people living in the UK who may be affected by homelessness, neglect, abuse or poverty, or those who have faced challenges in their lives such as serious illness, disabilities and psychological disorders.